Tappers Gathering

Meet up with fellow EFT practitioners and enthusiast! We are Energist!

Tappers Gathering at Energy Psychology Centre

Our Whatsapp EFT community of more than 60 members meet together for Tappers Gathering. EFT is fun and energising! And it’s even more so when we do it together. These free meetings are held bi-month (ideally) in Petaling Jaya. We laugh together, tap together and listen to testimonies and new discoveries. Various speakers also present on issues such as tapping for abundance, relationships, psycho-oncology and weight loss. Join us for a free exchange of positive energies. It is open to friends who are sincerely seeking for positive change in their lives. Please rsvp to izizlim@gmail.com to introduce yourself. Thank you.

 Join us! 

Next tappers gathering:

Date: 4th September 2016

Time: 2:30pm to 4.30pm

Venue: Energy Psychology Centre at No.11 , Jalan 4/47, 46050, PJ

Topic: Introducing Energy EFT, Energy in Motion, Modern Stress Management and more

Activities: Exchange of energies and knowledge. Testimonies, Tapping into positive energy

Who:  All who wants to improve their health are welcome. 

Cost: Free energy and knowledge.


EFT Tappers Gatherings