Hi Isaac,
Yes!!!!! I did it!!!!! I stood at the window of my office, on the 7th floor, and looked down! I could stand there without feeling the burning sensation in my whole body, no palpitations and no jelly legs!!!!! I even attempted to read the car number plates but they were too small!Thank you Issac!!!! You helped me out of my phobia that had been bothering me for more than half a century!!! The beautiful part is, you only took less than 10 minutes to clear a 50 year problem!To all my EFT classmates, it really works!!! We just have to really tune-in. So happy tapping!
Isaac, once again, I can't thank you enough. Keep up your great work!!!
Warmest regards,
Submitted by
Isaac LIm
EFT Practitioner Level 3 & Advance (EFT Chapter Leader)
Case Stories: Phobia of Facebook and Buttons
I was having a meeting with some girlfriends of mine for a new project. We were discussing social media. Facebook in particular. One of the ladies in the meeting I notice was looking very stressed, her shoulders looked strained and hunched up. I was even more concerned when I started seeing beads of sweat on her forehead. When asked if anything wrong, she said, she was very uncomfortable with using Facebook and technology in general. She was so uncomfortable that she did not even own her own smart phone. This was a problem for the project we were working on. A HUGE problem.
I made an appointment with her to help her with her Facebook Phobia, only to find out at that appointment, she was nervous about buttons and switches too. So she had a Phobia to Facebook and Buttons. And I promised her I would help! What had I got myself into I thought.
Her phobia score for Facebook was a whopping 9. We started tapping using the basic recipe. As we were tapping, I could see her shoulders started to be less hunched up, her face became more relaxed and her breathing became less shallow. At the end of the first round of tapping her score was 6. When I tested her with the "threat" of opening up my facebook on my Ipad she said she was a little stressed but still ok. So we did a second round. This time when we talked about facebook I noticed her body was reacting normally and not as tensed as the first time. We then proceeded to tap for her "buttons" using similar tapping protocol. Her stress level when down even further.
I tested her stress level by handing to her my Ipad to "play" with facebook. This time her reaction was excitement and awe at what Facebook can do. She was pressing all the different button on the Facebook page and she was not able to put the Ipad down till I told her it was the end of the session. She was in disbelief at first about how fast her she was comfortable with facebook and so was I!
EFT Case Stories – Aversion to Consuming a Medication
Jessie, a 10 year old girl, had come down with the flu, having joint pains and fever, and the doctor gave her some medicines including a liquid antibiotic. She was so averse to consuming it every time and would feel nauseous. No amount of coaxing to say that the medicine was important, that it smelt sweet and with an orange flavor/scent, could get her to take it without a fuss. After being forced to just consume it against all her objections, she would start gagging and feeling like throwing up. Her face
I offered to do EFT on her and she agreed. I checked what word was the strongest or clearest to describe what she was feeling. She said “
The next day, when it was time for the medicine, she felt the similar feelings at about 6. I asked if she remembered when this aversion for this particular white emulsion antibiotic began. She said it started when she had Influenza B about 8 months earlier and was admitted to hospital. She had to take that same medicine, and vomited quite badly immediately after consuming it. So I asked her to recall the incident and intensity – it was about 8. This time we tapped on that memory, then on the present feeling and intensity. It went down to 4.
I thought we should test it with some visualization. I asked her if I could bring the bottle
Submitted by
Justin Victor
EFT Practitioner Level 2 (EPC/MSCM)
University Lecturer