Stress Management Workshop

Manage your stress before it manages you!

In the work place, stress can sap the energy, capacity, cooperativeness and creativity of staff. It can reduce efficiency and increases absenteeism as well as increase health costs due to stress related conditions. While most stress management workshops emphasize removing or avoiding stressors, such as taking more vacations or changing jobs or work, this Stress Management Workshop's approach embraces that stressors are part of our daily lives. However, stress does not need to remain stuck in our bodies!  
You Will Learn:
  • To identify stress states your body 
  • How to use techniques to remove stresses on the spot
  • How to manage common stress-related issues such as cigarette addiction and procrastination 
Participants will feel recharged, renewed and more relaxed after the workshop. All this in just 4 hours!
[stextbox id=”info”]Companies & Corporations: Tailored stress management workshops are available to help increase staff productivity. Contact us today![/stextbox]
Next Workshop: 
To be determined
What past participants are saying about the Stress Management Workshop
Eye opening experience into how simple one can reduce one’s own stress states.”  –Susie (Observer, Burgess Rawson)
“Opening of a new paradigm shift and knowledge to arrest stress problems face by the individual in workplace, home and etc.” -Jeffrey (Manager, Burgess Rawson)
“I am impressed when I experienced the energy shift when earlier I was skeptical.” –Raymond (Manager, Burgess Rawson)