
Feeling anxious, depressed or stressed? Do you have an on-going health issue that isn't going away? 

Isaac Lim may be able to help. In his beautiful office in Petaling Jaya, Isaac sees people throughout the week, including weekends. His clients range from young children to the elderly, from CEOs to students, from Datuks to actresses, from international clients to new immigrants. This is because everyone are only human and affected by stress and trauma. Therapy is available in English with Isaac. He will refer you to other members if language is an issue as no one should be denied help if possible.

[stextbox id=”custom”]See testimonies from former clients here. [/stextbox]

For more information, including hourly rates, contact Isaac today.

Is the office too far away? Try online therapy with Isaac instead! You are never too far to be helped by Isaac.